Convertible Check Lanes: Reduce Long Lines Now & This Holiday Season
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat aneius.


Reduce Checkout Lines with Convertible Checklanes

AMF Sales / News  / Reduce Checkout Lines with Convertible Checklanes

Reduce Checkout Lines with Convertible Checklanes

Nothing frustrates customers more than long lines. In turn, now that we’re social distancing, lines appear longer thus a longer wait time in customers’ minds. It’s been reported that 75% of customers will leave the store with nothing rather than wait in a perceived “long line.” Not only have you lost the immediate sale; you’ve established a negative opinion in the mind of the customer therefore loosing them as a repeat consumer. The impending holiday rush will only back up the lines further. Although you can get rid of those annoying (& costly) wait times. Convertible check lanes are a way to go from self-service to full service in mere moments.

With integrated cash handling, quick conversion from full service to self-service, & additional bagger support station you can make the most use of your available labor. Bust queues as quickly as they form. Make customers happy by adopting Royston’s Convertible Check lanes.

Message us today about mobile checks stands or ask us about our new COVID protection options.  These adapt to all Royston checkout solutions. Including breath shields, antimicrobial belts, deck surfaces and more!

Build the future of retail with us! For specs, quotes, inquiries-

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